




举办时间:2007-03-15 至 2007-03-18
联系人:徐生 020-87504303
邮 箱:cba13613@126.com
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第八届中国国际机械工业展览会 2007宁波国际紧固件、弹簧及加工设备展览会 The 8th China International Machinery Industry Exhibition 2007 Ningbo International Fastening Piece,Spring and Processing Equipment Exhibition 时间:2007年3月15—18日 地点:宁波国际会展中心 主办单位:宁波市人民政府      中国机械装备进出口总公司      中国机床总公司 协办单位:宁波市经济委员会      宁波市对外贸易经济合作局      宁波市工商业联合会 支持单位:中国机械工业联合会      中国机电产品进出口商会      中国机械装备(集团)公司 承办单位:雅卓展览服务有限公司      西麦克国际展览有限公司 前言:   由宁波市人民政府和中国机械设备进出口总公司联合主办的Chinamach2006展览会已于3月23日闭幕,吸引了来自德国、意大利、美国、英国、瑞士、加拿大、日本、韩国、香港、台湾及中国大陆等十一个国家和地区的共计480多家企业参展,展览面积25000平方米,标准展位1200个,本次展会现场销售达到1.13亿元。 紧固件、弹簧是机械工业的重要基础元件,其性能、水平和质量对主机的精度和性能有着直接的影响。 中国国际机械工业展览会,是国家商务部重点扶持,宁波市人民政府重点培育的国家级机械装备业展会.Chinamach2007定于2007年3月15-18日在宁波国际会展中心举行,展出国内外最新紧固件、弹簧及加工设备,为海内外商家展示实力、拓展市场、寻求合作提供优质平台,促进本行业国际经贸与科技交流。 一、展会优势:独到优势、信心保证   中国——二十一世纪“世界工厂”。   长江三角洲——中国制造基地,包括浙东、苏南、上海等15座中国明星城市,创造全国18.5%GDP,28.4%的出口额成为中国经济总量规模最大的区域.世界500强企业有400家在此落户……。   宁波---中国长江三角洲南翼经济中心城市.联合国评估中国最具发展前途的城市之一.宁波城市综合竞争力名列中国大陆城市第六名.   宁波--- 中国物流发展重点城市, 宁波北仑港为中国大陆第二大港口.   宁波--- 中国通用机械、塑料机械、家用电器及配件、移动电话、模具、塑料制品、文具、电力设备、石油化工、不锈钢制品、汽车及零配件、机电零配件、五金工具重要生产基地。对紧固件、弹簧及加工设备有着巨大的市场需求。 二、展出范围:   1、紧固件加工设备:冷镦机、搓丝机、搓牙机、打头机、辗牙机、攻牙机、冷挤压成型机、打标机、滚丝机、制钉机、振动送料机等机械;   2、紧固件产品:螺母、螺钉、销、铆钉、螺栓、螺柱、垫圈、紧固件、组合件和连接副件及相关产品;垫圈、垫圈设备;   3、弹簧制造技术及设备:电脑弹簧制造机、电脑压簧机、弹簧研磨机、弯线机、卷簧机、磨簧机、板簧、淬火机、卷耳机、板簧轧机、喷丸设备、钢管校直活塞杆加工设备、封口设备、喷涂设备、等各类专用设备;   4、弹簧相关制品:各类汽车、摩托车、气门、离合器、减震、油泵、高温、模具、液压支柱、热卷、钢板、碟形、发条、异型等弹簧;   5、弹簧及紧固件生产用配套原材料:线材、特殊钢、不锈钢、板材、管材等专用材料; 三、参展费用 : A类展区:海外企业 标准展位     USD2500/9m2 光地(36m2起租)     USD250/m2 国内企业 标准展位     RMB7800/9m2 光地(36m2起租)     RMB780/m2 B类展区:国内企业 标准展位     RMB6800/9m2 光地(36m2起租)     RMB680/m2 会刊:封面 15000 封底12000 扉页10000 彩页 6000 门票广告10000元/2万张 气球拱门5000/个 飘空气球2000/个 参观请柬广告8000元/万张 技术推广会5000元/小时 四、参展要求   1、具有自营能力的生产或贸易企业;   2、按时办理参展手续和交纳参展费用;   3、参展企业不得倒卖或转让展位;   4、遵守本会各项规章制度,无假冒、伪劣及侵权产品;   5、遵守贸易规则,防止不正当竞争和欺诈行为。 垂询请联络:宁波雅卓展览服务有限公司(中国商务部批准之国际展主办单位) 华南联络处   地 址:广州市天河区黄埔大道西273号惠兰阁4A室 邮编:510620   电 话:020-87504303   E-mail:cba13613@126.com     传 真:020-87504972   联系人:徐一天 先生 13316087385 五、收款单位:宁波雅卓展览服务有限公司   开 户 行:兴业银行宁波分行   帐  号:386010100100179364 The 8th China International Machinery Industry Exhibition 2007 Ningbo International Fastening Piece,Spring and Processing Equipment Exhibition March 15-18 2007 Ningbo International Conference&Exhibition Center Sponsors: Ningbo Municipal People’s Government China National Machinery&Equipment I/E Corporation China National Machine Tool Corp Co-organize: Ningbo Economic Committee Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade&Economic Cooperation Ningbo Industrial&Commercial Association Supporters: China Machinery Industry Federation China Chamber of Commerce for Import&Export of Machinery&Electronic products China National Machinery&Equipment Group Organizer: Younage Exhibtion Co.,Ltd Cmec International Exhibition Co.,Ltd Foreword: Chinamarch2006 exhibtion sponsored by Ningbo Municipal People’s Government and China National Machinery&Equipment I/E Corporation has been closed in March 23. This exhibition attracted participants from Germany, Italy, America, Britain, Switzerland, Canada, Japan, Korea, Hongkong, Taiwan and mainland China and other countries and regions in 11 total 480 exhibitors enterprises. The exhibition area of 25000㎡,the standard booth 1200,.This exhibition site sales reached 113 million yuan. Fasteners, spring is an important foundation for industrial machinery components. Their performance ,level and quality of mainframe has a direct impact on the accuracy and performance. China International Machinery Industry Exhibition is the Ministry of Commerce priority support and Ningbo Municipal People’s Government focus on the nurturing of the national machinery and equipment industry exhibtion. Chinamarch2007 held on 15-18 March 2007 at the Ningbo International Conference&Exhibition Center. It will main display the newest fasteners, springs and processing equipment. It just a quality platform for home and abroad to display their busniess ,expanding the mark and seeking cooperation. It also will promation of international trade and scientific and technological exchange in the industry. 1, Advantages of exhibition: Special superiority, Tust guarentee China----Manufactory of the World of the 21st century. Yangtze River Delta----Manufacturing base, including eastern Zhejiang, southern Jiansu, Shanghai and other cities in 15 Chinese stars, create national 18.5%GDP, 28.4% of the total export volume of China’s largest economic region. About 400 enterprieses in the world have settled here. Ningbo----China’s economic center of the south side of the Yangtze River Delta. UN assessment of China’s most promising cities in the world. Ningbo city’s comprehensive cometitiveness of cities in mainland China ranked sixth. Ningbo----China’s logistics development in the key cities, China’s second largest port of Beilun port. Ningbo-----China’s general machinery, plastics machinery, household appliances and accessories, mobile phones, equipment, plastic products, stationery, electrical equipment,oil and chemicals, stainless steel products, vehicles and spare parts, electrical and mechanical parts, a key production base metal tools. And it will be have marketing need in fasteners, strings, processing equipment. 2, Exhibition Profile 1, Fasteners processing equipment 2, Fastener Products 3, Spring manufactruing techniques and computer equipment 4, Various sping-related products 5, Matching spring production of raw materials 3, Cost of the Booths A display area: The standard exhibition stall of abroad enterprise USD2,500/9㎡(rent from 36㎡,USD250/㎡) The standard exhibition stall of domestic enterprise RMB7,800/9㎡(rent from 36㎡,RMB780/㎡ B display area: The standard exhibition stall of domestic enterprise RMB6,800/9㎡(rent from 36㎡,RMB680/㎡) 4, Request of exhibition (1), Have the ability to self-production or trading enterprises; (2), Procedures and pay on time for participating exhibitors; (3), Enterprises are not allowed to resell or transfer booth exhibitors; (4), Compliance with the various rules and regulations, not fake, shoddy products and tort; (5), Abide by the trade rules to prevent unfair competition and fraud Contact:
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